Semalam my BFF, Kelly datang rumah untuk mengambil barangnya kat rumah FK ni. Memandangkan dia cuti n FK pun takde apa nak buat kat rumah maka kitaorang decide untuk tengok movie. Kebetulan pula memang FK pun teringin nak tengok movie tu, so bila dia suggest nak gi tengok FK ok je lah.
Movie yang kami pilih ialah Inception. Kelly cakap review dalam The Star membuatkan dia betul2 nak tengok movie ni. And this movie was rated as 5 stars. Memang dasyat lah kan?! Tapi bak kata review dalam The Star, lesser you know is better, so I won't say anything... ;)
Kat sini FK ambil sedikit keratan review dari rogererbert.com:
The story can either be told in a few sentences, or not told at all. Here is a movie immune to spoilers: If you knew how it ended, that would tell you nothing unless you knew how it got there. And telling you how it got there would produce bafflement. The movie is all about process, about fighting our way through enveloping sheets of reality and dream, reality within dreams, dreams without reality. It's a breathtaking juggling act...
So, bagi mereka yang masih tercari2 apa movie yang nak ditonton minggu ni....sila2kanlah... ;)

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