Salam. It has been a while since I checked-out from the hospital. There's nothing to share, nothing new just the same as what it was before. But I did found my old friends from school recently. I am so happy coz I've been looking for them quite some time.
Have you ever asked yourself a what if question? I bet that everyone did asked themselves at least once. I realise as a muslim everything is Qadha n Qadar which means that everything has been accordingly to Allah SWT. But I am only a human being...
A chat with a friend reminds me to someone I've lost. Someone who I shared everything. Laughter. Tears. Joy. Problems. Someone who I called my bestfriend and someone who I called my first love...
I remember the moment when I heard the news that he was gone. I remember the last time I saw him. I remember the smile on my last birthday I celebrate with him. I remember those nights I woke up crying on my pillow coz all I can hear is silence. I remember the pain in my chest. I remember the feeling of loneliness.
But Allah Almighty. Everything happened with blessing in disguise. Allah SWT took Kamal from me and Allah SWT gave me Ahmad Kamal. He brings sunshine into my life. He brings smile on my face. He sing to my heart and give me a shoulder to cry on.
Thank you Allah for this wonderful gift you gave me. And to Ahmad Kamal, I love you so much!